Those nasty little degrees
I can no longer sit idly by and stay silent. And while I realize the 2025 budget has priority, the mayor and the city council need to work together in the spirit of transparency and collaboration to do something about these nasty little degrees which inhabit our city.
This morning (Jan. 9) on my way to Stone Oven for morning coffee, I stopped by Marc's on Coventry to buy a New York Times. As I stepped out of the car, I heard a wily little snicker ask, "Cold enough for you old man?" I turned to see a rather grubby looking group of about 18 short little degrees, laughing and pointing to me as they chuckled and sneered. Mean. These guys were just downright mean.
I hereby urge the administration and council to work together, doing everything in their power, to eliminate these pesky, rude, frozen little pests from our streets.
I've noticed that in the spring, when they assemble in groups of 60 or 70, these degrees are much friendlier—and I think a bit taller. If it can happen in the warmer months of the year, I believe our city government—working together—has the ability to establish a more compassionate group of degrees during the colder months as well.
Steven Rowsey
Steve Rowsey, a former Cleveland Typewriter employee, is learning to enjoy retirement in Cleveland Heights where he has been a very happy—and sometimes cold—resident for 30 years.