LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS / University Heights City Council meeting highlights
OCTOBER 21, 2024, regular meeting
- Public comment
- Mayor’s report
- Director’s reports
- Council committee reports
- Council action
Present were Mayor Michael Dylan Brennan and council members Christopher Cooney, Brian J. King, Threse Marshall, John P. Rach, Sheri Sax, and Win Weizer. Vice Mayor Michele Weiss was excused. Also present were Clerk of Council Kelly Thomas, Law Director Bradric T. Bryan, and Finance Director Dennis Kennedy. The meeting ran for about one hour.
Public comment
Elizabeth Day, director of public information & communication at the Cuyahoga County Board of Developmental Disabilities, attended the meeting to reacquaint council and University Heights with the county board and the services they provide to individuals and communities. She would be available to schedule time to speak with the city on how the county board could be helpful.
Mayor’s report
The mayor discussed the fall hazardous waste collection, Shred Day, the University Heights Civic awards, finalization of the emergency operations plan, the crowdsourced sustainability survey (which is still open), trick-or-treating for Halloween on Oct. 31, and an Oct. 28 meeting with ZoneCo.
Director’s reports
Finance: September numbers are incomplete and awaiting final information on the University Square project.
Service: First and second rounds of leaf collection have been completed. To date, 1,874 recycle carts have been distributed, and 440 residents are awaiting the next round of carts. After one full month of collection, the service department will have data on volume. Ms. Weiser commented that many carts have been left out well after collection and asked about plans to address this.
Council committee reports
The Building/Housing Committee discussed rental unit inspections and a review of that process.
The Community Outreach Committee is working with Starfish to improve the quality and process of livestreaming council meetings.
The Economic Development Committee will discuss zoning codes at its next meeting.
The Finance Committee will discuss the establishment of the facilities budget at its next meeting.
The Recreation Committee will discuss budget planning in November.
The Building/Housing and Service and Utilities Committees are planning a joint meeting.
Committee of the Whole will meet next Tuesday, Nov. 19 at 6 p.m.
Council action
Council approved the site plan for phase 1 of Gesu Church’s renovation to create outdoor worship and learning spaces, subject to review of a Lighting Plan, yet to be submitted, and signage. These also need approval of the architectural review board. Two Gesu representatives presented the plan, which had been previously reviewed by the Buildings Committee. No issues were identified, and no variances are needed.
Council approved two ordinances for the city criminal offenses code pertaining to animals: one to establish a new section titled Unsafe Dog and the second to amend the section titled Dangerous and Vicious Dogs. The first ordinance was a response to a dog-on-dog attack and the realization that the city did not have anything that satisfies mandates in the Ohio Revised Code if the attack caused death of another dog. The second ordinance was to bring University Heights codes up to date with Ohio law.
Council authorized advertising for tree pruning and removal bids. This references an annual contract for such service throughout the city, though each year a different, specified quadrant is the focus. Specific trees have been identified for service, including some damaged during recent storms. The next Service Committee meeting will include a presentation and Q&A and the attendance of an arborist. Mr. Rach asked that all addresses identified for removing trees be confirmed to prevent incorrect removal.
Council entered an executive session for the purpose of discussing legal proceedings, personnel, and real estate matters.
LWV observer: Tanis Swan
Meeting packets, legislation, and other information can be found on the city website at: https://www.universityheights.com/council/
Videos of council meetings can be viewed on the “City of University Heights” YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA82j5L_CkQxK9cXP_qrXvw/videos