Heights of Democracy columnists address readers

To our readers:

Thank you for your encouragement during the eight years since we started our "Heights of Democracy” column. We enjoy hearing from you and appreciate your suggestions of topics for us to write about.

From time to time, particularly in recent months, some of you have asked us to cover breaking news and developing stories about ongoing crises in Cleveland Heights government.

A monthly publication, the Heights Observer requires writers to submit articles two to three weeks ahead of each publication date. These deadlines reflect the time it takes the part-time staff to edit, design and print a hard-copy publication. Given the necessary lead time, we try to avoid writing columns that are likely to be obsolete before you read them. In addition, "Heights of Democracy" is a monthly opinion column, which we write as volunteers. Although we strive to support our viewpoints with accurate information, we are neither news nor investigative reporters.

Your ideas for future columns are always welcome. Please keep them coming. You can reach us at heightsdemocracy@gmail.com.

Deborah Van Kleef and Carla Rautenberg

Deborah Van Kleef and Carla Rautenberg
Cleveland Heights

Read More on Letters To The Editor
Volume 18, Issue 1, Posted 10:22 AM, 01.02.2025