Heights Libraries works to become sustainably certified

In 2023, the Coventry Village Library partnered with CHGT to host an Eco Fest.

Heights Libraries has joined the Sustainable Libraries Initiative (SLI) and officially started the process of becoming a certified sustainable library system.

SLI is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide libraries with resources and guidelines to shift toward a cleaner, greener, and more equitable future for the people in their communities.

“We are excited to be a part of a network of libraries making informed long-term decisions that are environmentally sound, socially equitable, and economically feasible,” said Heights Libraries Director Nancy Levin. “Public libraries are a community hub, and we should be leaders in community resiliency planning and education.”  

Heights Libraries' certification process is part of an ongoing commitment that began during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, when the library made changes that included more outdoor programming, more native plants, more online meetings, and less waste. During that time, a staff-led sustainability team responded to community feedback and began working on efficient recycling by staff, more environmental-focused public programming, and additional staff training related to sustainable practices. A formal commitment through a certification program was the logical next step. 

The process is being led by a team of sustainability ambassadors across all departments and branches. This year, they worked with the library board to pass new sustainable purchasing policies and spearheaded a 2024 Staff Sustainability Bingo challenge, which encouraged staff to be more aware of their impact on the environment.

"We want to move toward embedding sustainability in all decisions,” said Sam Lapides, sustainability team member and youth services manager. “Eventually, improvements will happen daily as sustainability becomes a way of doing and thinking at Heights Libraries.”

Each library branch has contributed to sustainable improvements in 2024. The Coventry Village branch hosted a community art-supplies swap, served as a distribution site for vegetable seeds, and started Citizen Science programs for children. The Lee Road branch’s Circulation Department began recycling #4 plastics and the Youth Services Department piloted an after-school snacks composting initiative. The Noble Neighborhood branch is working on more efficient staff and public recycling, and is reusing materials for art and makerspace programs. The University Heights branch became a glass recycling collection site and focused on education and action to coincide with the city of University Heights’ new recycling program. The library has also participated as a collection site for eclipse glasses, old pumpkins, and election signs in partnership with the Cuyahoga County Solid Waste District.

Heights Libraries values collective action and understands that partnerships are essential to success. It has partnered with the Cleveland Heights Green Team (CHGT), the Cuyahoga County Solid Waste District, Green Noble, Heights Tree People, and the Nature Center at Shaker Lakes to provide public programs and collaborate on new initiatives. Additionally, a representative from the library’s sustainability team has attended city of Cleveland Heights Climate and Environmental Sustainability Committee meetings, Cleveland Heights Climate Action Plan meetings, and the FutureHeights Crowdsourced Conversation on Sustainability in University Heights.  

“We are lucky to have staff who have been committed to sustainable choices for many years,” said Levin. “In fact, at the annual Staff Development Day in October 2024, the first annual Laurie Marotta Sustainability Staff award was awarded to University Heights Branch Youth Services Associate Catherine Bransky.” 

The new staff award was created in honor of former Heights Libraries Human Resources Manager Laurie Marotta, who was dedicated to staff and sustainability at the library for more than 20 years. She passed away in August 2024.  

Learn more about sustainability at Heights Libraries at heightslibrary.org

Kaela Sweeney

Kaela Sweeney is the strategic projects manager for the Cleveland Heights-University Heights Public Library System.

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Volume 17, Issue 12, Posted 2:30 PM, 12.02.2024