Free trees available to UH residents

The Heights Tree People are “branching out” to University Heights! (See what we did there?)

Based next door in Cleveland Heights, Heights Tree People is a volunteer organization that supplies and plants trees for free in local front yards. They believe planting and caring for trees in Heights neighborhoods is an act of love—for our people, for our communities, and for our planet. 

Trees provide many benefits to the people they live among, helping to make us healthier, happier, and safer. People who live near trees are physically healthier, report higher rates of happiness, and experience less stress and anxiety. Trees also dampen noise pollution, and well-placed shade trees can reduce utilities bills by up to 25%. 

Neighborhoods that are full of trees experience lower crime rates, drivers go slower down tree-lined streets, and property values rise as the trees flourish, sometimes up to 20%. 

When you request a tree from Heights Tree People, they will contact you to schedule a site evaluation, when one of their tree stewards will determine an appropriate placement for the tree. Together, you will decide on the best species for your yard, and then they order your new tree and return a few weeks later to plant it. All they ask is that you care for the tree in its first years in its new home, but don’t worry: they will provide instructions on effective care and watering methods.

To learn more and to request a new tree, visit

Mike Cook

Mike Cook is the communications and civic engagement director for University Heights.

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Volume 17, Issue 9, Posted 4:11 PM, 08.27.2024