Disabled-access advocates encourage respect
To the Editor:
In reference to the opinion in the May issue, in which Diane Hallum described accessibility difficulties at Monticello school, we would like to address the misleading and belligerent comments made against Brian Iorio. Brian has served with us on the board of MaxHousing (formerly MAHO) for several years. He is a fierce advocate for accessibility and his work to advance this cause is unsurpassed.
We understand that lack of accessibility is frustrating. However, those of us in the disabled community do not resort to rude and disrespectful comments. A persistent, professional, and respectful approach is a much better way to have our needs met.
Sue Hannibal and four others
Sue Hannibal, Patti Substelny, Ann Russell, Brian Corrigan, Mara Layne
Volume 17, Issue 7, Posted 8:29 AM, 06.26.2024