Cuda and Russell to meet with Forest Hill residents

Tony Cuda

Cleveland Heights City Council President Tony Cuda and council Vice President Davida Russell will hold a listening session on Tuesday, March 5, 7–8 p.m., at Forest Hill Church, 3031 Monticello Blvd., at the corner of Monticello and Lee Road. 

Heights residents—and Forest Hill residents in particular—are invited to take this opportunity to meet Cuda and Russell, and let them know what is on their minds. The focus of the March 5 session will be on issues and concerns of particular interest to Forest Hill.

Cuda and Russell have previously hosted listening sessions for Taylor/Canterbury/Boulevard, and Coventry/Roxboro/Fairfax. Plans are in the works for a similar event for Noble/Oxford/Caledonia.

Anyone who didn’t make it to the listening session for their neighborhood, or who has ideas or concerns, is invited to contact Cuda ( or Russell (

Kim Sergio Inglis

Kim Sergio Inglis, editor-in-chief of the Heights Observer, compiled this notice from information provided by Tony Cuda and Davida Russell.

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Volume 17, Issue 3, Posted 11:05 AM, 02.24.2024