Holiday string-light and power-cord benefit recycling drive kicks off Dec. 2
Cleveland Heights Green Team (CHGT), in partnership with the Nature Center at Shaker Lakes and the Lee Road and Coventry Village branches of Heights Libraries, will collect broken, burned-out string lights, extension cords and power strips, to benefit the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo's Lights for Lions program.
The Heights string lights recycling drive will begin Dec. 2 and run through Jan. 31.
Drop off bins are located at the parking lot entrance of Heights Libraries Lee Road branch, Heights Libraries Coventry Village branch, and in the Nature Center’s lobby.
“Recovered lights and cords are collected and shipped to recycling facilities where the parts are separated into plastic, glass, and copper,” explained Dan Dobres, metal buyer at Demilta Iron and Recycling Company in Willoughby. “Most materials will be recycled, and leftovers will be safely and properly disposed.”
According to CHGT, Heights residents have recycled more than 2,200 lbs. of string lights and extension cords since 2021.
Proceeds from the recycling drive help fund strategies to mitigate human-carnivore conflicts and develop effective, long-term conservation strategies for large carnivores in Tanzania.
“Sustainability and conservation efforts are a priority across our organization and community,” said Kaela Sweeney, strategic projects manager at Heights Libraries. “We encourage residents to support this effort and divert reusable materials from the landfill.”
“This will be our third year supporting the Lights for Lions program,” said Rachel Weller, the Nature Center’s visitor services and office manager. “The community’s response has been incredible, and we definitely want to provide this service again this year.”
CHGT reminds CH residents to avoid placing “tanglers” in their curbside recycling bins. Tanglers—which include holiday lights and power cords—cannot be recycled through the city’s recycling program, and cause problems and shutdowns at the local recycling facility.
After Jan. 31, light strings to be recycled can be dropped off in the Cuyahoga Solid Waste District lobby, 4750 E 131st St., Garfield Heights, during business hours (Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Learn more about the Lights for Lions program at
Catalina Wagers
Catalina Wagers is a resident of the Fairfax neighborhood. She supports causes and programs focused on the advacement of NEO through better access to education, policy advocacy, and environmental protection, and is co-founder of Cleveland Heights Green Team.