Cleveland Potter’s holiday sale kicks off Dec. 1
The Cleveland Potter’s Co-op will host its annual holiday pottery sale on two consecutive weekends, beginning Dec. 1.
The sale will comprise ceramic art made by co-op members, including mugs, bowls, planters, and much more.
The sale is scheduled for Friday, Dec. 1, 7–9 p.m.; Saturdays, Dec 2 and 9, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.; and Sundays, Dec. 3 and 10, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Stop by to purchase hand-made holiday gifts, learn more about the co-op’s members and classes, and see the newly expanded studio.
The Cleveland Potter’s Co-op is a group of Cleveland-area potters who share the expenses of operating a ceramics studio and offer classes to the community. The co-op is located at 3175-3177 Kensington Ave., in Cleveland Heights.
For additional information, visit or
Danielle Fortin
Danielle Fortin is a Cleveland Potter's Co-op member.