Vote for Gail Larson

To the Editor:

I encourage everyone to support the re-election of Gail Larson to Cleveland Heights City Council! As a resident who is not shy about reaching out to our representatives, I have found Gail to be a thoughtful, responsive, and effective listener.

Prior to becoming a council member, Gail attended meetings as a League of Women Voters observer and recorder. Because she educated herself about the role of a council member before becoming one herself, she easily and enthusiastically has become a competent and trusted presence on council.

Gail works to be a bridge builder, which I very much appreciate in these fractious times. She answers every phone call, e-mail, and text as an engaged representative, resulting in a broad understanding of different points of view.

Gail has a curious mind, and she researches issues from every angle before coming to a decision. She knows that her vote counts. Yours does, too. Join me in supporting Gail Larson for council.

Peggy Spaeth

Peggy Spaeth
Cleveland Heights

Read More on Letters To The Editor
Volume 16, Issue 11, Posted 2:10 PM, 10.19.2023