Vote for Gail Larson
To the Editor:
I encourage everyone to support the re-election of Gail Larson to Cleveland Heights City Council! As a resident who is not shy about reaching out to our representatives, I have found Gail to be a thoughtful, responsive, and effective listener.
Prior to becoming a council member, Gail attended meetings as a League of Women Voters observer and recorder. Because she educated herself about the role of a council member before becoming one herself, she easily and enthusiastically has become a competent and trusted presence on council.
Gail works to be a bridge builder, which I very much appreciate in these fractious times. She answers every phone call, e-mail, and text as an engaged representative, resulting in a broad understanding of different points of view.
Gail has a curious mind, and she researches issues from every angle before coming to a decision. She knows that her vote counts. Yours does, too. Join me in supporting Gail Larson for council.
Peggy Spaeth
Peggy Spaeth
Cleveland Heights