Gordon, Larson, Petras can achieve the vision

To the Editor:

I had high hopes for city government when voters overwhelmingly approved changing the city’s charter to a mayor-council form of government.

The vision was that a strong, independent legislative branch (city council) and a strong, independent executive branch (mayor’s office) would collaborate effectively, efficiently, and responsively—with each other and with residents—to address the city’s challenges. 

Today’s reality does not live up to the promise. Real progress is held back by petty squabbling, poor decorum, sidestepped responsibility, lack of transparency, bad communication, and even worse strategic planning—among other factors. 

I still believe in the vision. But achieving vision takes the right leaders. Jeanne Gordon, Gail Larson, and Jim Petras are those leaders. I invite you to join me in electing them to city council this November, to move our community forward, together.

(I was a member of Citizens for and Elected Mayor, which created and promoted the charter amendment to change the city’s government. I wrote this as an individual, not on behalf of the group.)

Michael Bennett

Michael Bennett
Cleveland Heights

Read More on Letters To The Editor
Volume 16, Issue 11, Posted 2:06 PM, 10.19.2023