Russell presents tenant-landlord law workshop Oct. 14
On Oct. 14, Cleveland Heights City Council Member Davida Russell will present an educational session on tenant and landlord law, focusing on leases, contracts and agreements.
For this session, part of a series, Russell has partnered with Cleveland Heights Municipal Judge J.J. Costello, attorney Lon’Cherie Billingsley, and representatives of the Fair Housing Center and the Legal Aid Society. They will answer questions and share resources about tenant rights and rental or housing assistance.
The event is planned for Saturday, Oct. 14, 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. It will take place at Church on the Heights at 2706 Noble Road—a location requested by residents.
“I started this series in response to the tenant-landlord issues we were having in the Coventry area,” explained Russell. “Residents then asked for assistance with home ownership, so I started the Pathway to Home Ownership workshop series, which occurs at least twice a year.”
The Tenant Landlord series is offered quarterly, and Cleveland Heights residents are welcome to request that a workshop be presented in their neighborhood. For additional information, sent an e-mail to Russell at
Suzanne Zilber
Suzanne Zilber has lived in Cleveland Heights since 2021. She is a member of the Cleveland Heights Green Team and seeks to help Davida Russell get the word out about workshops she has organized for Cleveland Heights residents. Zilber writes and teaches about social class, classism, and how those interplay with other forms of oppression.