Noble Neighbors hosts CH council candidates Oct. 10
Noble Neighbors will host an election forum on Tuesday, Oct. 10, 7–9 p.m., at Disciples Christian Church, 3663 Mayfield Road. Candidates for Cleveland Heights City Council have been invited to present their positions and engage in conversations.
The forum’s focus will be on issues that impact the Noble Road neighborhoods, all of which impact the city of Cleveland Heights as a whole.
All voters (and young voters-in-training) are invited to attend. Those who live outside the Noble Road neighborhoods are invited learn the particular concerns of Noble residents, and the priorities and solutions the candidates offer.
Questions pertaining to Noble area matters will be submitted to the candidates in advance so that they may prepare thoughtfully. At the forum, candidates will present their responses to the audience in a brief lecture-style manner.
Following these formal presentations, candidates will move to separate locations within the large meeting space. Audience members will have an opportunity to ask questions of individual candidates in one-on-one or small-group discussions, instead of within a formal presentation structure. Candidates will be permitted to distribute literature and yard signs during this second portion of the meeting.
Noble Neighbors does not endorse any candidates or election issues. Instead, Noble Neighbors encourages all voters to be educated about candidates and issues so that each person may be well informed when they cast their vote.
Learn more about Noble Neighbors at
Brenda H. May
Brenda H May is one of the Noble Neighbors leaders. Check out their story at