'Fire Dog' illustrator to appear at UHFD open house

Paul Combs, illustrator of the Sprinkles the Fire Dog series, will sign books at the UHFD.
Paul Combs, the illustrator of the Sprinkles the Fire Dog book series, will read and sign books at the 2023 University Heights Fire Department Open House on Sunday, Oct. 8.
The open house will run from noon to 3 p.m. at the Fire Department, attached to UH City Hall, and will include tours of the station, food, and fun family activities.
Combs will read the book to attendees at 12:30 p.m. and again at 2:30 p.m. The books Sprinkles the Fire Dog and Sprinkles the Fire Dog 2—Making a Difference will be available for purchase at the event.
The theme of national Fire Prevention Week 2023 is “Cooking safety starts with YOU.” At the open house, attendees will learn about fire safety in the kitchen and at outside grills.
Sprinkles the Fire Dog is an inspirational story about a little puppy from a big city who dreams of one day becoming a fire dog. To achieve that dream, Sprinkles must overcome his physical limitations, the critical corner mutts, and his own self-doubt. This is a story about setting goals, putting in the work, and turning dreams into reality.
Combs is an illustrator, retired firefighter, and author of three books. He is also a USO volunteer entertainer, leadership advisor, and keynote speaker.
The reading and book signing by Combs is presented in partnership with Fire Engineering magazine.
Mike Cook
Mike Cook is the communications and civic engagement director for University Heights.