CH Council votes no on Noble Station
On Sept. 18, Cleveland Heights City Council voted 5-2 against Ordinance 143-2023, the proposed development agreement known as the Noble Station Apartments.
Council members Janine Boyd and Anthony Mattox Jr. voted to pass the legislation, while Craig Cobb, Tony Cuda, Melody Joy Hart, Gail Larson, and Davida Russell voted against it.
Plans for the Noble Station development called for a four-story, 52-unit, multi-family affordable housing facility, to be built on city-owned property—approximately 2.08 acres of parcels in the vicinity of Noble and Woodview roads.
“On or about” Jan. 20, the developer and city “entered into an agreement for purchase and sale of real property, contingent upon the developer and city entering into a development agreement for the property.” The purchase price was $218,300.
At the Sept. 18 meeting, council considered the ordinance on second reading.
Proposed by Mayor Seren, Ordinance 143-203 would have authorized the mayor to enter into a development agreement with TWG Development, LLC for the construction of a residential development at 2228 Noble Road (and several adjacent parcels).
The ordinance was presented “on emergency”—the emergency “being the need to meet funding and construction season deadlines.” (Emergency status means that, if passed, the legislation becomes effective immediately. Non-emergency legislation becomes effective in 30 days.)
A Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) project, Noble Station’s one- , two- and three-bedroom units were intended to be rented to those at or below 60% of the median income.
The developer, TWG, would have been eligible to receive tax credits from the state’s housing and finance agency (OHFA). The application deadline for OHFA funds, for this year, was Sept. 21.
Noble residents largely spoke out against the proposed development at council meetings, citing the neighborhood’s need for retail services and mixed-income—not additional low-income—housing.
Residents and some council members decried the administration’s failure to engage community members in the planning process for the proposed development, then trying to rush it through.
One community meeting was held regarding plans for Noble Station, set up by the city's Planning Department staff. Approximately 90 meeting notices were sent out—60 to residential addresses—and five or six residents attended, according to the developer. Council members were not notified about the meeting.
Kim Sergio Inglis
Kim Sergio Inglis is editor-in-chief of the Heights Observer.