Heights Music Hop celebrates 10 years

On Sept. 23, the 2023 Heights Music Hop will celebrate its 10th year. Sponsored by the nonprofit FutureHeights, a community development corporation for Cleveland Heights and University Heights, this community event supports local artists and businesses while promoting the Heights to Greater Cleveland.
The Hop, scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 23, will be held at the Noble Gardener’s Market in the morning and in the Cedar Lee District Saturday that night. The event is free.
Kasia Bufford, manager of the Heights Music Hop, expressed excitement about the upcoming event, noting, “The Music Hop committee has created an event that will be diverse with lots of ways for people to participate.”
Bufford anticipates approximately 30 artists will be performing, with 14 businesses serving as music venues.
The Heights Bicycle Coalition (HBC), a chapter of Bike Cleveland formed in 2010, has teamed up with FutureHeights to encourage people to walk or ride to the Hop. Deidre McPherson, an avid rider and HBC member, is reminding everyone to, “Leave your car at home and bike to the Hop, then enjoy a casual bike ride with members of HBC.” HBC will be organizing a Ride to Hop that meets at Best Gyros (a Main Stage Venue) at 4 p.m., and rolls out at 4:30 p.m. [Note: This is an updated time, changed after the September issue of the Heights Observer was published.]
Once cyclists arrive, the Ohio City Bicycle Co-op, a nonprofit, volunteer-driven cooperative helping people to use bikes, will greet riders who want to valet park their bikes. This service is being offered in collaboration with FutureHeights for anyone riding to the event, and will be located at the event information center on the corner of Lee and Meadowbrook in the city parking lot.
Kristine Pagsuyoin, executive director of FutureHeights, said, “Safety at the Music Hop is a top priority. Hopefully, encouraging people to walk or ride will reduce traffic along Lee Road, making it safer for attendees to move from venue to venue.”
Moving from venue to venue is exactly what creators of the Music Hop want attendees to do.
“The Music Hop is not only a great way for the community to connect and support local music, but we are promoting shopping locally and supporting our local businesses,” said Pagsuyoin.
To help highlight local businesses, FutureHeights is partnering with Bandwago to launch the Heights Music Hop Mobile Passport, which enables visitors and residents to check in at Heights businesses to make purchases to earn points that will be eligible for prizes.
Users will be able to register and start using the Passport on Sept. 13 by visiting the FutureHeights website, www.futureheights.org.
For the most up-to-date news on bands, venues and other Music Hop details, follow the Heights Music Hop on Facebook and Instagram or visit the FutureHeights website.
Amanda Isaacson
Amanda Isaacson is a FutureHeights board member.