No Mow May is a disaster
To the Editor:
I’m all for pollinators. But there are better ways to accommodate pollinators than letting Cleveland Heights go to weeds.
In my opinion, No Mow May was, and continues to be, a disaster for the city. The tall grass and weeds on medians, in parks, and other city-owned property has resulted in an eyesore, as well as a safety issue when driving.
I recently addressed the mayor and city council to express my view that the city sets the tone for how our town looks by how well it takes care of public property. Unkempt public property, no matter the reason, makes our city look unkempt and implies that no one cares.
Cities where disinvestment is occurring look exactly the way Cleveland Heights has looked this spring. Private property owners are less likely to invest in their properties when they perceive that the city is not investing in its own property.
We are now well into June, and city staff is struggling to catch up. Let’s look for better ways to help springtime pollinators without torpedoing our city.
Hugh Fisher
Hugh Fisher
Cleveland Heights