University Heights City Council meeting 5-1-23
MAY 1, 2023 regular meeting
- Public comments
- YouTube streaming
- Committee reports
- Council actions
Present were Vice-Mayor Michelle Weiss and Council Members Barbara Blankfeld, Brian King, and Sheri Sax. Mayor Michael Dylan Brennan and Council Members Christopher Cooney and John P. Rach were not present. Also present were Kelly Thomas, clerk of council; Luke McConville, law director; Dennis Kennedy, finance director; and Joseph Ciuni, city engineer. The public meeting ran 87 minutes.
Public comments
A resident spoke in support of May as Bike Month and its benefit for the community.
A resident spoke regarding traffic and speed issues at the corner of Silsby and Edgerton roads and would like the city to review the intersection to determine how to ensure compliance with speed limits for the safety of the neighborhood.
YouTube streaming
City council meetings are now streaming live on YouTube.
Committee reports
The Finance Committee confirmed that the process to close first quarter is continuing and the 2022 audit is going well.
The Safety Committee met prior to this meeting and discussed License Plate Readers (LPR). The city may receive a grant for two units. Chief Rogers will update the committee on costs of having these on every light pole. The committee discussed potential changes to fire prevention ordinances, which will come out at the same time as changes to building ordinances. The committee is looking at regional grant initiatives for including mental health professionals as part of the police and fire departments. The committee will watch closely what Shaker Heights has piloted. The grants are highly competitive.
Council actions
Council approved an agreement with Starfish for IT support services. A representative from the Technology Committee provided an overview of the vendor bid process, reviewed the proposals of two vendors, and explained the reasons for recommending Starfish.
An ordinance regarding council compensation was presented for approval on emergency, but will be addressed at the next meeting, as the required five votes were not present for emergency approval. The proposed ordinance would establish that annual pay for council members be more than the minimum necessary for Ohio Public Employee Retirement System eligibility.
Council assigned Mr. Rach to the position on the Community Improvement Corporation Board vacated by Mr. Gould.
Council proclaimed May 2023 as Bike Month in the City of University Heights.
Council approved the purchase of Cloud Server Service from Software Solution in an amount not to exceed $19,110. This purchase will provide better security and allow for easier systems updates. This is a one-time integration cost.
Council authorized execution of the “Spalding Leasing Office Lease Extension” to lease Suite 105 at 2245 Warrensville Center Road for the period June 1, 2023 through May 31, 2024, at a cost of $1,638 per month. The space has fixed offices as well as conference rooms to be available for use by anyone in city government or council.
Council approved a contract for the 2023 Pavement Marking Bid with Pat Flowers Inc. in an amount not to exceed $56,131.15.
From 7:42 to 8:29 p.m., council moved to executive session to discuss real estate and litigation.
LWV Observer: Tanis Swan.
Meeting packets, legislation, and other information can be found on the city website at:
Videos of council meetings can be viewed on the “City of University Heights” YouTube channel: