HRRC announces spring home-repair classes

Home Repair Resource Center (HRRC) has announced its spring lineup of classes.
On Thursday, April 26, 7–9 p.m., HRRC will offer a Window Repair class. It will cover window basics, such as glass replacement, sash cord replacement, window glazing, and screen repair. Participants will work on a model window, and make repairs with their own hands. The fee for this class is $25.
The Women’s Electrical Series, a popular six-week course, will meet on Wednesday evenings, 7–9 p.m., starting May 3. Classes are designed to take the fear out of electrical repairs and empower women to save money by making repairs themselves. The course will cover topics that include how electricity works, wiring switches and outlets, rewiring lamps, and working with service panels. This is possibly the most popular series HRRC offers, so early registration is encouraged. The fee for the electrical series is $150.
A Roofing and Gutters class is up next, on May 4, 7–9 p.m. This hands-on class will cover the different types of roofing materials, common roofing problems, installation of new shingles, and repair and maintenance of gutters. The fee for this class is $25.
Income-based discounts of 50 percent to 100 percent are available to those who qualify.
To register for any of HRRC's classes, visit or call 216-381-6100 ext. 16.
HRRC's Teaching Center is located at 2520 Noble Road in Cleveland Heights.
Anne Marie Goodfriend
Anne Marie Goodfriend is the education coordinator at Home Repair Resource Center.