April 15 community meeting will consider environmental health and the community
On Saturday, April 15, at 10:30 a.m., Cleveland Heights Council Member Davida Russell will host a "You Talk, I Listen" Town Hall meeting, inviting the Cleveland Heights community to discuss how pollution and loss of trees is impacting neighborhoods on the north side of Cleveland Heights.
The meeting will explore the preventative steps available to lessen storm flow, prevent erosion, restore natural habitats, and reduce litter pollution.
It also will highlight the condition of Caledonia Ravine, a branch of Nine Mile Creek that runs through the Caledonia neighborhood. The creek provides an example of how litter pollution and illegal dumping, along with erosion and loss of trees, are having significant negative effects on the health of this natural environmental asset, and the surrounding community. As Northeast Ohio's rainfall increases in volume and intensity, ravines such as Caledonia are prone to increased flooding, erosion, and poor water quality.
Guest speakers will include representatives from the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District, and Roy Larick, an expert and advocate for small watersheds and landforms in the Cleveland area.
The meeting will take place at Caledonia Cultural Center, at 960 Caledonia Ave.
For more information, visit www.davidaforch.com or www.chgreenteam.org.
Natalie Elwell
Catalina Wagers is a Cleveland Heights resident and co-founder of the Cleveland Heights Green Team.