'Get involved' as a UH volunteer
Invoking the lyrics of soul singer James Brown, University Heights Mayor Michael Dylan Brennan is urging University Heights residents to “get up, get into it, get involved.”
The city has revamped its volunteer page, www.universityheights.com/volunteer. “If you are interested in serving your community,” Brennan said, “this is a great place to start.”
Brennan said residents can use the website to volunteer to get involved in city activities such as the Memorial Day Parade and Juneteenth. They can also get involved in the more nuts-and-bolts aspects of government.
“We need your experience, your expertise, and your ideas to advise and assist us in setting policy that meets the community’s needs, as well as to ensure that our special events really capture what makes University Heights such a great place to live,” said Deanna Bremer Fisher, executive assistant to the mayor on special projects. “We are planning this year’s programs now and looking for more people to get involved.”
Residents may choose to volunteer for citizens committees that include Sustainability, Facilities and Infrastructure, and Tech Advisory.
“Tell us what you are interested in and what unique qualifications you bring, and get involved,” urged Brennan.
Learn more about the opportunities that are available and find a link to the committee application online at www.universityheights.com/citizencommittees.
Mike Cook
Mike Cook is the communications and civic engagement director for University Heights.