Cleveland Heights City Council meeting highlights

FEBRUARY 27, 2023, special meeting


  • Safe Routes to School 
  • Cedar-Fairmount SID
  • Committee of the whole


Present were Mayor Kahlil Seren, Council President Melody Joy Hart, Council Vice President Craig Cobb and Council Members Janine Boyd, Tony Cuda, Gail Larson, and Anthony Mattox, Jr. Also present was Law Director William Hanna. Council Member Davida Russell was not present. The special meeting ran for seven minutes.

Safe Routes to School

On first reading and on emergency, council authorized the mayor to apply for and accept Ohio Department of Transportation’s Safe Routes to School project funding for the school travel plan for Noble, Fairfax, and Boulevard elementary schools and Heights High School.

Cedar Fairmount SID

On second reading and on emergency, council authorized the advancement of city funds to the Cedar Fairmount Special Improvement District (SID), Inc. to be reimbursed through tax assessments. Ms. Hart recused herself because she is on the Cedar Fairmount SID board. In September 2022, council authorized the assessment of $120,000 annually for three years on participating properties within the Cedar Fairmount SID to fund a public services plan.

Committee of the whole
(Unless noted otherwise, COW meets prior to the council meeting)

Council discussed the process for nominating members of the charter review commission.

Mayor Seren briefly described eight programs for which ARPA funds might be used. This was not a detailed proposal, but a preliminary draft indicating priorities and directions for ARPA funds, to begin a conversation with council. Council discussed criteria for prioritizing ARPA allocations and assessing community impact, methods to invite funding proposals from community organizations, community feedback on proposed programs, and next steps.

LWV Observer: Jill Tatem.

Meeting packets, legislation, and other information can be found on the city website at: 

Videos of council meetings can be viewed on the “City of Cleveland Heights, OH” YouTube channel:

Read More on Cleveland Heights
Volume 16, Issue 4, Posted 10:01 AM, 04.02.2023