Cleveland Heights-University Heights Board of Education meeting highlights 12-20-22
DECEMBER 20, 2022, special meeting
- Library board appointment
- Recognitions and awards
- Superintendent’s report
- Treasurer’s report
- Title IX expansion
- Martin Luther King, Jr., essay contest
- School facilities announcements
Present were President Malia Lewis, Dan Heintz, James Posch, Jodi Sourini, and Beverly Wright. Also present were Superintendent Elizabeth Kirby and Treasurer Scott Gainer. The meeting started at 5:30 p.m. to interview and appoint Cleveland Heights-University Heights Public Library Board Trustees. The board then went into executive session, and the regular work session subsequently began at 7 p.m. and adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
Library board appointment
The board appointed Melissa M. Soto-Schwartz as a library board trustee for the Cleveland Heights-University Heights Public Library.
Recognitions and awards
Heights High Academic Challenge Team competed against 11 other schools to place first in the fall National Academic Quiz Tournament and is scheduled to appear on NewsChannel 5’s Nordson-Academic Challenge program in April, 2023.
Winners of the second annual CH-UH Holiday Card Contest received prizes and copies of their artwork. Their artwork is on display at AppleTree Books.
Teachers from the Oxford preschool program were recognized for receiving the highest rating from the state.
Noble and Roxboro Elementary Schools earned bronze recognition from the state of Ohio for work by the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports teams.
Tiger Team members of the month were recognized, and the Student Cadre gave an update on school sports and a video produced by the TV Production Club, "Why You Should Take AP Classes.” The video is on the CHUH website.
Superintendent’s report
Superintendent Kirby reported that all eighth graders attended the first college, career, and connections day held Dec. 20 at Cuyahoga Community College.
The Heights Wellness Center at Heights High will hold a community open house at its grand opening Jan. 17, 2023, from 1 to 4 p.m.
The district received a $1 million grant from the state of Ohio for school safety. This project will upgrade or provide new building access doors, security cameras, and other safety equipment.
Treasurer’s report
New this year, an audit will be held for retirement contributions.
Title IX expansion
All district board of education members attended the capital conference in Columbus. The state board of education passed a resolution to allow school districts to vote regarding whether they would follow the expansion of Title IX. CH-UH district policies will not change, so they will follow federal guidelines.
Martin Luther King, Jr., essay contest
Submissions for the 33rd Martin Luther King Essay contest are due Jan. 10. Scholarships sponsored by East View United Church of Christ will be awarded for winning essays.
Students are also encouraged to submit essays, poems, and posters by Jan. 11 for the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. ceremony at the Cleveland Heights Community Center on Jan. 19, 2023.
School facilities announcements
The district is unable to fund community use of the Heights High pool facility because appropriate use of public school funds is for the students -- their education, activities, programs, and so on. The cities of University Heights and Cleveland Heights would need to be the agents through which a community program is run.
The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion working group is discussing concern over Monticello Middle School’s name.
Dan Heintz commented on the expensive challenges of overhauling the HVAC systems and other necessary upgrades that had been discussed at the previous Lay Facilities Committee meeting.
Upcoming meetings are an organizational meeting on Jan. 3, 2023, 7 p.m. and a regular meeting Jan. 24, 2023, 6:30 p.m.
LWV Observer: Rosemarie Fairman.
Documents for all board meetings can be accessed from the Board of Education webpage: Go to “BoardDocs” in the menu; on BoardDocs go to “MEETINGS” in the top menu; click on “Agenda.” Board meetings are livestreamed on the district’s YouTube channel ( and recorded for later viewing.