Cleveland Heights-University Heights Board of Education meeting highlights 10-18-22
October 18, 2022, work session
- Advanced Placement program update
Present were President Malia Lewis, Dan Heintz, James Posch, Jodi Sourini, and Beverly Wright. Also present were Superintendent Elizabeth Kirby and Treasurer Scott Gainer.
Advanced Placement program update
The superintendent and members of the administrative and teaching staff presented information on the Heights High Advanced Placement (AP) program. Four teachers presented their curriculum for the AP classes they teach: Biology, Spanish, Computer Science, and Studio Art.
Overview of the AP program. Students are encouraged to take AP courses, which expose students to college-level material with greater rigor. No placement grade is needed for enrolling in an AP class. At the end of the course, students take an exam and receive a weighted grade. Students who do not take the exam do not receive the weighted grade for the course. Many colleges offer college credit for those attaining a score of at least three on a five-point scale. Importantly, teachers feel that even those students who do not achieve a score of three or better on the exam benefit from the rigor in the courses.
The district offers 19 AP courses. Some of the courses are offered each year whereas others are not. The district pays the fees for the AP exam. Students are supported with additional help to ensure their success in the AP classes.
In the 2019-2020 school year, 59 percent of students scored a three or better, which is the highest percentage in the last seven years. In the 2020-2021 school year, when the Covid-19 pandemic affected education overall, the percentage achieving a score of at least three fell to 30 percent; in 2021-2022, scores started to recover, with 42 percent achieving a score of at least three.
Board comments. Board members commented that by paying for the exam and encouraging participation in AP classes, the district is supporting its equity plan. A board member suggested that students taking AP level classes be afforded the opportunity to have a scheduled study hall during the day. Many students are balancing demanding schedules while also filling scheduling holes with courses unneeded for graduation and of little personal interest.
Upcoming meetings are a regular session Nov. 1 at 7 p.m. and a work session Nov. 15 at 6:30 p.m. at the board of education offices.
LWV Observer: Robin Koslen.
Documents for all board meetings can be accessed from the Board of Education webpage: Go to “BoardDocs” in the menu; on BoardDocs go to “MEETINGS” in the top menu; click on “Agenda.” Board meetings are livestreamed on the district’s YouTube channel (