UH's Hoffman updates 'Aging wiith a Plan'
University Heights resident Sharona Hoffman, professor of law and bioethics at Case Western Reserve University, has published the second edition of Aging with a Plan: How a Little Thought Today Can Vastly Improve Your Tomorrow (First Hill Books, 2022).
Describing it as a comprehensive resource for people who are middle-aged and beyond, to help prepare for the challenges of aging, and caring for elderly relatives, Hoffman said, “The book grew out of a very difficult period in my life. During 18 months in 2013 and 2014, both my parents died, my mother-in-law died, and my husband was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease at the age of 55. As I endured these experiences, I learned a lot about growing older, getting sick, and facing the end of life. I wanted to share all that I had learned and put it to good use helping others. Writing this book seemed like a natural next step.”
The book’s second edition revises and updates the first edition, published in 2015.
Kim Sergio Inglis
Kim Sergio Inglis is editor-in-chief of the Heights Observer, and a Cuyahoga County master gardener volunteer.