FutureHeights staffer highlights unique Heights businesses
On Jan. 3, Belle Espinal joined FutureHeights as business outreach manager for the nonprofit, community development corporation.
Originally from New York City, Espinal now lives in Cleveland Heights. Her professional experience includes teaching, working with minority- and women-owned businesses on community events, and starting her own wellness business.
In her new role at FutureHeights, Espinal will be reaching out to Cleveland Heights businesses, to learn about their concerns and successes, and working on programs and initiatives to support them.
Espinal has already begun introducing herself to business owners, and put together the following series of photos with captions to celebrate and honor Black History Month by focusing on some of the owners of Black-owned businesses she’s had a chance to meet.
Next month, look for Espinal to feature some women-owned businesses in the pages of the Heights Observer. In the meantime, to contact Espinal, send an e-mail to bespinal@futureheights.org, or call her at the FutureHeights office, at 216-320-1423.
Deanna Bremer Fisher
Deanna Bremer Fisher is the executive director of FutureHeights, and publisher of the Heights Observer.