Cleveland Heights City Council meeting highlights 12-13-21
DECEMBER 13, 2021 – Special Meeting
- Public comments
- Desota Avenue infill construction
Present were Council President Jason Stein, Council Vice President Kahlil Seren, Craig Cobb, Josie Moore, Davida Russell, and Michael N. Ungar. Melody Joy Hart was absent due to illness. Also present were City Manager Susanna Niermann O’Neil, Clerk of Council and Finance Director Amy Himmelein, and Law Director William Hanna. Council met for five minutes.
Public comments
Comments were limited to the Amato Homes development agreement resolution. A resident asked what sort of security would be used on construction sites while building the homes.
Desota Avenue infill construction
A resolution authorizing a development agreement with Amato Homes for single-family homes on lots owned or controlled by the city on Desota Avenue received a first reading and will be voted on next week. A full discussion of the legislation took place at the committee of the whole meeting following this special meeting.
LWV Observer: Blanche Valancy.
Meeting packets, legislation, and other information can be found on the city website at:
Videos of council meetings can be viewed on the “City of Cleveland Heights, OH” YouTube channel: