Seren endorses Mattox Jr. for CH City Council
I enthusiastically endorse Anthony Mattox Jr. for Cleveland Heights City Council. Anthony brings people together, he uplifts, and he educates. He has earned my trust and admiration as an engaged civic leader and advocate working for the health and safety of our community.
Anthony already serves our city in an advisory capacity as a Cleveland Heights Planning Commissioner. His six years of continuous service reviewing and approving projects, assisting with development and planning, and partnering with residents and businesses to improve their properties makes him incredibly knowledgeable and an ideal choice for tackling economic development moving forward.
Anthony’s background in municipal finance, risk assessment, loss mitigation, and process improvement will lend additional fiscal accountability and support to council, our city’s ultimate budgetary authority.
Anthony engages with community organizations across our city for the purpose of collaboration and strategic planning through his work on the FutureHeights Civic Engagement committee. Community engagement is a skill he has honed over time, first as a politically active teenager, then refining a people-centric, boots-on-the-ground approach to solving problems with meaningful action.
As lifelong residents of Cleveland Heights, and CH-UH grads, Anthony and his wife, Tiffany, are parents to four children, ages 12–20. The two have built an inclusive and welcoming ministry that was recognized for feeding over 5,000 people during the summer of 2019. At the regional level, Anthony is currently partnering with Strong Hands United and the United States Marshals on an initiative to increase awareness of the human-trafficking problem in Northeast Ohio.
Anthony is a progressive endorsed Democrat supported by Cleveland Stonewall Democrats, Northeast Ohio Young Black Democrats, Black Women’s Political Action Committee, and the Cuyahoga County Democratic Party for upholding values that are in line with an economically, racially, socially, and religiously diverse community like Cleveland Heights.
Anthony will bring a much-needed fresh perspective, diversity of pertinent experience, and positive energy to council next year. I wholeheartedly support Anthony because he will both compliment and challenge next year’s council. In my personal experience, it is rare to find such a bright light in a community; an individual who, devoid of naivete, possesses Anthony’s earnest optimism and perseverance, and who is also willing to enter politics.
Anthony Mattox Jr. is exactly the kind of person who we hope gets involved in elected public service, and for that reason I encourage you to cast your vote for him starting today.
Kahlil Seren
Kahlil Seren is vice president of Cleveland Heights City Council and a candidate for mayor of Cleveland Heights.