2021 Voters Guide to local candidates and issues

The League of Women Voters has created a guide to local candidates and issues for the Nov. 2 election. Click on the links below to access information for candidates and issues. Candidate questions were selected by the Heights Chapter of the League of Women Voters of Greater Cleveland, and all candidate information and answers were submitted by the candidates themselves.
A print version of the guide is available as an insert in the October issue of the Heights Observer, available for free at numerous locations around town.
The deadline to register to vote is Oct. 4. Eligible voters may register, or update their registration, by visiting olvr.ohiosos.gov. Early, in-person voting begins Oct. 7 for Cleveland Heights and University Heights. (Note: This is two days after the county's early-voting date because both communities held September primaries.)
The deadline for Board of Elections (BOE) receipt of Vote by Mail (VBM)/Absentee ballot applications is Oct. 30. The last day to mail a VBM/Absentee ballot is Nov. 1. Ballots must be postmarked on or before Nov. 1, and received by the BOE by Nov. 12. Voters can hand deliver their VBM/Absentee ballots to a drop box at the board of elections building (corner of Euclid Avenue and E. 30th Street) up until the polls close on election day (i.e November 2, 7:30 pm). They can return to the drop box their own ballot and that of an immediate family member, but no one else’s.
General Election Day is Nov. 2, 2021. Polls are open 6:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m.
For more election information resources, visit vote411.org, the the League of Women Voters website (lwvgreatercleveland.org), the Ohio Secretary of State website (www.ohiosos.gov/elections), or the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections website (boe.cuyahogacounty.gov).
Cleveland Heights City Council Full Term
Cleveland Heights City Council Unexpired Term
Cleveland Heights-University Heights Board of Education
University Heights City Council
East Cleveland Board of Education
League of Women Voters
The 2021 Voters Guide is compiled as a public service by the League of Women Voters of Greater Cleveland and FutureHeights, publisher of the Heights Observer. The League of Women Voters is a non-partisan organization whose mission is to encourage the informed participation by citizens in government. FutureHeights is a nonprofit community development organization.