Why I'm running for school board
I am a graduate of Height High, and two daughters graduated from Heights.
In a recent news article, three career academic math scholars, from NYC, Georgia Tech and Princeton, gave a stern warning about the “deplorable” state of math education in the United States. They said U.S. schools prioritize social justice and diversity over merit, thereby allowing China to successfully advance as the world leader in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). This is their opinion; I believe educating our students to compete in the 21st century should be the number one objective of this district. This is the reason I am running for the CH-UH Board of Education (BOE).
I previously wrote about the largess paid to the principals, administrators, treasurer and superintendent, only to witness the board penalize the teachers; not the administrators, treasurer or superintendent.
Reviewing recent financial transactions, I question irresponsible stewardship of this board:
- Sale of Coventry school to the Heights Libraries board for $1. Did you know the BOE’s elected members appoint all the library trustees? The library board is attempting to enter into a 99-year lease with the current tenants.
- Sold four vacant parcels of land to the city of University Heights for $10 per parcel. This did not benefit Cleveland Heights or South Euclid taxpayers of the district. How was this equitable for the taxpayers? How much in savings was realized? How much does it cost to maintain four vacant parcels? Was consideration to “market value” made?
- A $835,679.33 [erroneous direct deposit] on Oct. 15, 2019, made by the [then] assistant treasurer, [who subsequently resigned].
- The BOE spent $34,675 on a survey for the levy passed last November, after the voters rejected [one] earlier in the year. [The survey was] determined by the Ohio Auditor of State and Attorney General to be illegal use of public monies.
- The BOE continues to reject a request from numerous taxpayers for a performance audit by the state auditor of the operations of the board for inefficiencies in operations and deployment of physical facilities.
As a 10-year member of a community school finance committee, I understand school funding and the issues.
I believe strong schools improve the community and are a factor in attracting new young families.
Vote for a "New Voice with a New Vision and Direction" for better schools.
Charles Drake
Charles Drake is a 50-year resident of Cleveland Heights who attended Heights High and John Carroll University. He is a former CPA., running for the CH-UH Board of Education.