Silverman cites experience in run for CH council
This November the city of Cleveland Heights will see big changes with the direct election of our mayor. In January, there will be at least three, maybe four, and possibly five new members of city council. I believe it is important for us to have at least one new member with previous elected experience. For this reason, I am running for the two-year unexpired term on council.
I firmly believe that experience matters. We have seen on a national level what happens when we elect those with ZERO experience. In this race, I am the only candidate with local elected experience, having been elected three times to the CH-UH school board (1993, 1997, 2013), as well as being appointed to a seven-year term on the CH-UH library board.
With 19 years of service, I understand how local government works, the importance of thinking long term, the necessity of holding staff accountable, and the importance of responding to public inquiry.
Two of my proudest accomplishments are being a part of the renovations of the Lee Road Library and the transformation of Cleveland Heights High School. Not only was it great to give our community the facilities we deserve, but I learned the questions to ask when Cleveland Heights looks to develop the Noble Road corridor, Lee and Meadowbrook, South Taylor, and Severance.
Why focus on development? Because we need income tax revenue to provide city services and property tax revenue to support our public schools.
While I see the challenges we face as a city, I also see so much potential—potential we have failed to utilize. Between our location, housing stock, local businesses, cultural amenities, and pluralism, we already have the assets we need. What we can use is a city council that shares my enthusiasm, understands our unique history, and has the vision to get us where we need to be.
This campaign will be a challenge. I have a full-time job. I have a part-time job where I sell my photography at arts shows. I help my mother in taking care of my ailing father. I do not have a phalanx of volunteers from another campaign to deploy, nor a cadre of acolytes to utilize. I do not pander for endorsements, and I expect I will be outspent and out endorsed. This means I will run on what I believe matters—ideas, experience and honesty.
Eric Silverman
Eric J. Silverman was a member of the CH-UH school board from 1994 to 2001, and from 2014 to 2017. He served on the CH-UH library board from 2003 to 2009.