Candidate for Cleveland Heights City Council Unexpired Term Erin C. Johnson

Erin C. Johnson
Cleveland Heights Age: 43
Instagram: @ejohnson
Education: Bachelors of Science Business Management, Indiana Wesleyan University Associates of Science Business Administration, Indiana Wesleyan University
Current occupation: Public Servant, Federal Government
Qualifications: I have lived in Cleveland Heights for over 30 years and love the diversity of the city. My desire is to keep the city safe and financially secure. To be an advocate for the community. I am a good listener, and have experience with negotiations and problem-solving. I have worked in the Public and Private Sector for a combined total of over 20 years.
Do you think our business districts are healthy and successful? If not, what would you do to change that? Please discuss specific districts, such as Noble and Severance.
I talked to some of the Noble Districts business owners and employees. The want more programs for financial empowerment. They would like to see more money for Small Business Owners readily available to them. They want meetings and seminars showing them how to navigate through the process to start or advance their business. They would like street fairs to bring people into the city. Other comments related to money being invested and put back into the buildings, vacant commercial units, and the buildings are dated. They need to be renovated. More lighting is needed behind businesses. As far as Severance is concerned the business owners would like to see condominiums and retail spaces. Example: a small Legacy Village/ Crocker Park.
What role should environmental considerations play in the city’s policies and actions?
Partner with the community to position Cleveland Heights to meet the environmental challenges of the 21st century. The city will need to move in the direction as to where the polices and actions will always be compatible with the environment. Cleveland Heights has an obligation to the environmentally conscious we are moving in the right direction, for an example: Recycling.
How, and in what time frame, should a vacancy on city council be filled?
The city council should substitute the vacancy with an intern, during the interim if possible. The vacancy should be filled in timely manner. The Community should elect the permanent city council member.
What opportunities, if any, do you see for regional collaboration between Cleveland Heights and other local governments to provide services or facilities?
It would be acceptable to collaborate services as long as those coordinating and collaborating services are cost effective and beneficial to the city residents and tax payers.
What are your thoughts about the responsiveness of the city’s elected officials and staff to citizens' concerns?
Any concerns or issues that the community should have must be addressed. It is a priority. The entire community has to be listened to. The citizens are the voice/ backbone of the community and should be taken in account. If elected, I plan to uphold the public trust to represent the city and community.