2021 Ron Register scholarship recipients announced
The Ron Register Scholarship Fund was created by the Black Caucus of Forest Hill Church in Cleveland Heights. It is designed to honor Ron Register’s leadership and commitment to the CH-UH schools, where he served on the board, and board president, for many years.The fund is supported by both members of the church and the community.
This year, the selection committee is pleased to present the 2021 Ron Register Scholarships to two outstanding Heights High graduates, Tait Manning and Asia’Lee Fair.
Manning graduated with a 3.9 grade-point average and will be attending Howard University in the fall.
In her application, she described her participation in marching band. Being chosen as the leader of the trumpet section in her junior year encouraged her to venture outside her comfort zone and become more confident. She built a team of mutually supportive band members out of freshmen just finding their way in high school.
In addition to marching band, Manning school activities included pep band, jazz combo, Link crew leader, and four years of varsity softball.
Manning is considering a future in journalism. An internship last summer provided her with the opportunity to research and write an article on an issue very important to her: rape culture in high schools. Manning views writing as “one of the most powerful tools to spread social awareness.” She expressed a clear goal in seeking a career in communications: to help people understand the truth.
Fair graduated with weighted GPA of 4.1. She has been an active participant on the track team since middle school, and a team captain in high school. Her track coach and mentor describes her as being “respected by her peers, teammates, opponents and coaches because she shows great integrity and class.”
In addition to taking AP courses and running track, Fair has worked part-time and taken on many responsibilities at home. She is a role model for her younger siblings.
At Heights, Asia also participated in MSAN, the Minority Student Achievement Network, a national coalition of suburban and urban multiracial school districts dedicated to eliminating the achievement gap. In her socially-conscious essay, she expressed her desire to create a program to educate young people about sexual assault and its serious repercussions.
Fair's long-range goal is to become an occupational therapist, and she is motivated to achieve and to help other people. Her first choice for college is Howard University.
The scholarship fund welcomes support to enable it to continue honoring outstanding Heights High graduates. Donations in the form of checks should be made out, and sent, to Forest Hill Church, 3031 Monticello Blvd., Cleveland Heights, 44118. (Please note “Ron Register Scholarship Fund” in the check's memo line.)
Louisa Oliver
Louisa Oliver is a member of the Ron Register Scholarship Fund selection committee. Former director of Heights Parent Center before it became Family Connections, she is a 45-year resident of Cleveland Heights.