CH resident urges voters to stay informed; endorses Danforth
To the Editor:
After more than four years of waiting for political noise to subside, three major political races come to our backyard. The 11th District U.S. Congressional race to replace Marcia Fudge, the Cleveland mayor's race to replace 16-year incumbent Frank Jackson and, most significant to Cleveland Heights residents, the first directly elected mayor's race in the city's 100-year history.
While federal-level officials can impact issues that affect American lives, city mayors can make executive changes that affect residents' daily lives. For that reason, the Cleveland Heights mayor's race is a rare opportunity for residents to have a say in the future of our city.
Do we want someone progressive and inclusive, experienced and competent, thoughtful and decisive, reasonable and collaborative, with proven leadership qualities? Perhaps someone up to the job who can take a fresh look at City Hall?
If we do, I encourage residents to get involved in this race to find out what all the candidates have to say. Join online forums and, as soon as they are available, attend candidates' debates. If they do, I think they will conclude, as I have, that Barbara Danforth is the best candidate to lead Cleveland Heights into the future.
Joy Roller
Joy Roller
Cleveland Heights
[Roller is a volunteer helping to elect Danforth.]