Cleveland Heights is home to sports

To the Editor:

With COVID-19 finally slowing down, it is important to remember that Cleveland Heights is the home of sports in Northeast Ohio. With locations such as Forest Hill Park, Denison Park, Cain Park, Cumberland Park, Barbara Boyd Park, many smaller parks, and the community center, we are second to none.

We have nine excellent ballfields; 18 lighted tennis courts; five outdoor full-court basketball courts; two high-school-size full-court indoor basketball courts; numerous indoor and [outdoor] pickleball courts; an indoor volleyball court; two indoor ice rinks, for hockey, figure skating, speed skating and open skating; numerous indoor and outdoor running and walking trails and tracks; a fitness center, Jazzercize and martial arts programs; and the largest outdoor swimming pool in Northeast Ohio.

In addition, our schools offer numerous sports facilities, including the fantastic new pool, courts and fields at Cleveland Heights High School, which offers [its students] baseball, softball, basketball, volleyball, swimming and diving, ice hockey, track and cross country, lacrosse, field hockey, soccer, golf, bowling and other sports for boys and girls.

We are fortunate to live in Cleveland Heights when it comes to youth, teen, men's, women's and senior sports. Go Heights!


Larry Shaw

Larry Shaw
Cleveland Heights

Read More on Letters To The Editor
Volume 14, Issue 4, Posted 9:53 AM, 04.01.2021