CH Office on Aging news

The staff of the Cleveland Heights Office on Aging is continuing its work, providing services while the Cleveland Heights Community Center and Senior Activity Center (SAC) remain closed.

This summer, the community center’s parking lot has been a site for yoga, line dance and tai chi classes, as well as lunches and concerts. Online, the office has offered exercise classes through Facebook Live, and some groups have found ways to meet safely using a variety of platforms, with and without the help of technology. 

Meanwhile, social work outreach and nutrition support remain a focus. If you are a Cleveland Heights senior who needs help preparing and obtaining food, we have options available. Affordable home-delivered meals can be arranged, and boxes of shelf-stable food and food pantry items can be delivered to your door. We also have masks, and household and cleaning products available by request.

What’s next? Staff hopes to safely bring back some of our transportation services, add a few more classes and events, and find opportunities and new ways to help until the office can safely reopen.

All of the programming developed during the time of coronavirus is designed to support seniors who may feel isolated, and to maintain a connection to the SAC community.

If you are a Cleveland Heights resident, age 60 and older, who needs services or has questions, contact the Office on Aging by phone (216-691-7377) or e-mail (

amy jenkins

Amy Jenkins is the supervisor of the Cleveland Heights Office on Aging and the CH Senior Activity Center.

Read More on Seniors
Volume 13, Issue 9, Posted 8:03 AM, 09.01.2020