Zagara’s Marketplace to close for Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday may have extra significance this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the detrimental impact it has had on the economy and human lives. For essential employees placing themselves in harm’s way during this crisis; a day of rest is a welcome occasion.
Zagara’s Marketplace, 1940 Lee Road in Cleveland Heights, has announced that store operations will take a break this Easter Sunday to enable employees to rest and spend time with families. “Our team has been working long, hard hours over the past several weeks diligently serving our neighbors and friends,” said John Zagara, president. “They deserve a true day of rest this Easter Sunday. We are so proud of them.”
Store operations will resume normal hours Monday, April 13.
Zagara’s Marketplace operates one store in Cleveland Heights and employs 115 team members.
Eric Anderson
Eric Anderson is a principal of AR Marketing. Zagara’s Marketplace is a client.