Heights businesses adjust hours, services

Loyal customers practiced social distancing as they lined up for takeout at Jack's Deli & Restaurant, in University Heights, on March 17. Later that day, Jack's announced it would be closed until further notice.
Some Heights businesses have temporarily closed, and others have made, and continue to make, adjustments to their business hours or practices, in an effort to help stem the spread of COVID-19. On March 15, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine issued an order to bars and restaurants, instructing them to close as of 9 p.m. that evening. Earlier, he had issued orders to prohibit large public gatherings. On March 23, many Heights businesses that originally remained open announced they would close in accordance with the governor's "stay-at-home" order, which took effect March 23, 11:59 p.m.
The Heights has a large number of independently run, locally owned businesses that will be impacted by the current crisis.
In an effort to encourage support of businesses remaining open, the city of Cleveland Heights has announced that it is waiving all parking fees at meters in city-owned lots and garages effectively immediately and until further notice.
In addition to takeout service, some businesses offer online or by-phone ordering, and free local delivery. Purchasing gift certificates for future use is another way that Heights residents can support businesses during this difficult time.
The Heights Observer has compiled the following partial list of changes that Heights businesses have made to their services due to the outbreak. The list is not comprehensive, and will be updated as Heights Observer staff become aware of additional changes. Businesses are invited to send updates on their hours and services to info@futureheights.org.
It is best to call ahead, or check a business’s website or social media, for the most up-to-date information. And if you don't see a favorite business listed here, please contact it. Again, this is a partial list only, and while we've checked and double-checked, things are changing quickly for businesses.
[NOTE: Updated on May 8.]
Retail and service businesses open:
- Bremec: Open; only two customers permitted in store at a time. Curbside pickup is available. (https://bremec.com)
- Dave's Markets: Seeking additional team members. Asks that 7–8 a.m. shopping be limited to those who may be especially at risk for the coronavirus. (https://davesmarkets.com)
- Eastwood Furniture: Beginning Tuesday, May 12, the store will return to normal business hours of Tuesday-Saturday from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
- Fishstix: Open normal business hours. Curbside pickup is available (216-777-3473); delivery is free for any order over $50. "Family-size" packaging is now available for many items. (www.fishstixonline.com)
- Heights Hardware: Open. Hardware and supply stores are considered essential businesses. (www.heightshardware.com)
- Howard Hanna: All agents are working from home. Many sellers and agents are choosing to cancel open houses. New listings coming on the market are being postponed. Virtual tours are available online or directly from an agent. (Mortgage rates are low. The city has paused compliance documents on interior point-of-sale inspections, and has moved to exterior inspections only.)
- MJM Window Restoration: Open normal hours. Crews will be taking extra precautions regarding any interior work. All exterior work will continue as usual.
- Sits 'n Wiggles Pet Care & Training: Limited services, as of March 23. Call (216-910-7487) or e-mail (info@sitsnwigglescle.com).
- Swedish Solutions Cleveland Heights: Free vehicle pickup and dropoff; extra health protections and no-contact procedures in use. (https://swedishsolutions.com)
- S'Wonderful Gifts: Effective May 12, shop will reopen to in-store customers (max: 5 at a time, Tuesday through Saturday, noon to 3 p.m. Online ordering and curbside pickup will remain available. (www.extravaginza.com)
- Wood Trader: (www.facebook.com/woodtraderframing) Open by appointment only, masks mandatory. Call or e-mail ahead for an appointment.
- Zagara's Marketplace: Open regular hours (https://zagaras.com). Home delivery available via www.prestofreshgrocery.com.
Restaurants and bars open for takeout/delivery:
- Aladdin's Eatery: Open for takeout and delivery. (https://aladdins.com)
- Bialy's Bagels: Will reopen on April 17 for online ordering only, with curbside pickup. The owners request that customers place their orders 48 hours in advance. For $10, customers can purchase a dozen bagels, to be donated to frontline workers. Bialy's owners will match each donation. (www.bialysbagels.com)
- Bibibop Asian Grill: Open for takeout and delivery (216-938-8592).
- Bodega: Open for takeout and delivery. (www.bodegarestaurantandlounge.com)
- Boss Dog Brewery: Takeout food and beer available. (http://bossdogbrewing.com)
- Buffalo Wild Wings: Open for takeout and delivery. (www.buffalowildwings.com/en)
- Cafe Tandoor: Open for takeout and delivery. (www.cafetandoorcleveland.com)
- Cilantro Taqueria: Open for takeout, delivery and curbsite pickup. (www.facebook.com/CilantroTaqueria)
- Dave’s Cosmic Subs: Open for takeout and delivery via Uber Eats, Doordash and GrubHub. (www.davescosmicsubs.com)
- Dewey's Pizza: Open for takeout. (https://deweyspizza.com)
- First Watch: Open for takeout (216-321-1075).
- Georgio's Oven Fresh Pizza Company: Open for takeout and delivery (216-932-2000).
- Geraci's: Open for takeout and delivery. Curbside pickup is available (call 216-371-5643), and online ordering (www.geracisrestaurant.com) is encouraged. Open daily 11 a.m. to 9 p.m., with 4–5 p.m. each day reserved for those 65 and older, and those who are medically vulnerable.
- Gigi's on Fairmount: Open Tuesday through Saturday, 4–8 p.m., for carryout and curbside pickup. Call ahead ordering (216-291-7237) available beginning at 1 p.m.; online ordering also available. (www.gigisonfairmount.com)
- Goodfellas BBQ: Open for takeout (216-848-1200). Owner Darryl Rugley has been providing free "snack packs" for kids. To donate, send money to the Cash App $goodfellasbbq, or send a donation to 2847 Noble Road, Cleveland Heights, Ohio, 44121. (www.facebook.com/pages/Goodfellows-BBQ/382711585557524)
- Happy Buddha Cafe: Open for takeout and delivery (216-291-2446).
- Inn on Coventry: Effective May 1, open for take-out orders, Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday, 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. (216-371-1811).
- Kensington Pub: Open for takeout, 4:30–9 p.m. (www.kensingtonpub.com/take-out)
- Los Arcos Mexican Restaurant Bar and Grill: Open for takeout and delivery, Tuesday through Thursday, 4–9 p.m., Friday, noon to 9 p.m., Saturday, noon to 8 p.m., Sunday, 2–7 p.m. Curbside pickup is available (216-862-6623).(www.losarcoscleveland.com)
- Lox, Stock, and Brisket: Open for takeout (216-471-8175), Tuesday through Saturday. (www.loxstockandbrisket.com)
- Luna Bakery & Cafe: Takeout and curbside delivery available, via phone or Toast app; and delivery available through DoorDash. (www.lunabakerycafe.com)
- Marotta’s: Open for takeout. (https://www.facebook.com/marottasCLE)
- Melt Bar & Grilled: Full menu available for takeout or delivery. (https://meltbarandgrilled.com)
- Mister Brisket: Offering takeout, including a vacuum-sealed bag of of its delicious cooked corned beef. (www.misterbrisket.com)
- New Heights Grill: Open for takeout. (www.newheightsgrill.com)
- On the Rise: Open for takeout and delivery. (https://ontheriseartisanbreads.com/)
- O'Rielly's Pub & Grill: Open for takeout (216-321-9356). (www.facebook.com/ORiellysPub)
- Panini’s Bar & Grill: Open for takeout, curbside, and delivery service. (www.facebook.com/paninisbarandgrill)
- Pho & Rice Coventry: Open for takeout and delivery. (https://phoandricecoventry.com)
- Phoenix Coffee: Hours vary by location (Coventry open Monday through Saturday, 7 a.m. to 2 p.m., Sunday, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.; Lee Road open Monday through Saturday, 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., Sunday 7 a.m. to 2 p.m.) Open for carryout and local bike delivery. (https://phoenixcoffee.com)
- Pizazz on the Circle: Open 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. for takeout and delivery (216-321-7272). (https://pizzazzpizza.com)
- Rascal House: Open for takeout and delivery (216-503-4770).
- Richie Chan's Chinese: Open for takeout. (http://richiechans.weebly.com)
- Rising Star Coffee: Open for takeout and delivery. (https://risingstarcoffee.com)
- Rudy's Pub: Open for takeout. (www.facebook.com/rudyspubcle)
- Seafood Shake: Open for takeout. (www.facebook.com/seafoodshakeboil/)
- Stone Oven Bakery Café: Open for takeout. (https://stone-oven.com)
- Sun Luck Garden: Open for takeout and delivery. (www.sunluckgardench.com/#/)
- Swensons Drive-In: Continues to be open for drive-in service, will call-ahead ordering available (216-350-7776).
- Taste: Open for takeout and delivery, 5–8:30 p.m. Call 216-932-9100. (www.tastefoodwine.com)
- Tavern Company: Open for takeout Thursday through Saturday, 4–9 p.m. (www.taverncompany.net)
- The Fairmount: Open for takeout and delivery, 4–9 p.m. Call 216-229-9463. (www.thefairmount.net)
- Tommy's: Open for takeout, noon to 7 p.m. daily. Order by phone (216-321-7757); walk-in orders are also welcome.
- The Sauce Boiling Seafood Express: Open for takeout and delivery (216-417-1719). (www.thesaucebse.com)
- University Heights Nutrition: Takeout, delivery and curbside service available; call or text 216-203-6260. (www.facebook.com/universityhtsnutrition/)
- Vero Pizza: Open for curbside pickup Thursday through Saturday, 4–9 p.m. Call to order (216-229-8383); phones open at 3 p.m. There is limited dough each day. (https://verocleveland.com)
- VoodDoo Brewery: To-go beer is available. (www.voodoobrewery.com)
- Zhug: Open for takeout and delivery, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday, 4–8 p.m., Friday and Saturday, 4–9 p.m. (Closed Monday and Tuesday.) Orders can be made online (https://zhugcle.com/#order) or by phone (216-862-2508).
- Zoma Cleveland: Open for takeout and delivery. (https://zomacleveland.com)
The following businesses and organizations are temporarily closed to in-person customers. Please visit their websites or social media postings for information, updates, ordering options, and to purchase gift cards. Many are accepting orders by phone, e-mail and Web, for curbside pickup and delivery (free, in some cases):
- Animal Zen: Open for dog walks and care; food delivery and pickup. (www.facebook.com/AnimalZenOhio)
- Appletree Books: Books purchased online at Libro.fm and Bookshop.org help support Appletree and other independent bookstores. (www.appletree-books.com)
- Atma Center. Offering virtual classes online. (www.atmacenter.com)
- Attenson's Coventry Antiques and Books
- Avalon Exchange
- BarNone Wine-Beer-Spirits: Offering free, contactless delivery for $75 minimum order. (www.barnonewineandspirits.com)
- BD’s Mongolian Grill
- Blick Art Materials - updated status not posted, as of March 23
- B-Side Lounge
- Cedar Lee Theatre: Offering limited watch-at-home films, to benefit Cleveland Cinemas (parent company of the Cedar Lee), and a link to free screenings of Met Opera performances. (www.clevelandcinemas.com - as of March 25, links to screenings were not yet posted on website)
- Cleveland Candle Company: Online store is open. (https://clecandleco.com)
- Cleveland Rocks and Beads: Orders can be placed phone and e-mail. (http://clevelandrocksandbeads.com)
- Confluence Cycle & Yoga: Offering virtual classes online. (www.confluencecycleyoga.com)
- City Buddha
- City Church Heights
- Coventry P.E.A.C.E. Campus: Open to tenant organizations; limited staff.
- Critical Hit Games: Closed for the duration of the stay-at-home order. (www.facebook.com/criticalhitcleveland)
- Eastwood Furniture: While closed, shop invites inquiries about its products. (www.eastwoodfurniture.com)
- Eddy’s On Coventry
- Eddy’s Barbershop
- Ensemble Theatre
- Focused Tatoo
- Foodhisattva: Closed for takeout, as of March 24. (www.facebook.com/Foodhisattva/)
- Gleena Ceramics: Online shop is open, and offering free shipping. (www.gleena.com)
- Green Tara Yoga & Healing Arts
- Grog Shop (www.facebook.com/grogshop/app/160213574537205/)
- Heights Libraries: All branches are closed, but online services and WiFi are still available. (https://heightslibrary.org)
- Jack's Deli & Restaurant
- Mac’s Backs - Books on Coventry: Online, phone and e-mail orders can be placed. (www.macsbacks.com)
- MOJO world eats
- Nighttown
- Passport to Peru (www.passporttoperu.com)
- Record Revolution: Updated status not posted, as of March 23
- Quintana’s Barber & Dream Spa
- Quintana’s Speakeasy
- Silva’s Massage Therapy (www.silvasmassagetherapy.com)
- Still Point Gallery: Online gallery store is open. (https://still-point-gallery.myshopify.com)
- Sunshine Headquarters Too (www.passporttoperu.com)
- The Exchange (www.theexchange.com)
- The Wine Spot: Offering curbside pickup and delivery (216-342-3623). (https://thewinespotonline.com)
- The Whiskey Bar
- Trapped CLE Escape Room (www.trappedcle.com)
- White Cloud Studio
- Zero Below Rolled Ice Cream

Deanna Bremer Fisher
Deanna Bremer Fisher, executive director of FutureHeights and publisher of the Heights Observer, wrote the original article. Kim Sergio Inglis updated the article.