CH Senior Center News
Innovative programming, in cooperation with University Circle’s Distance Learning Department, continues at the Cleveland Heights Senior Activity Center (SAC) on Tuesday, June 11, 11 a.m., with a videoconference lecture, “Japanese Art: Humble and Bold.”
In this program, viewers are introduced to Japanese art in a variety of media, including ceramics used in the tea ceremony, enamelware, and folding screens made from paper and wood. The aesthetics range from earthy and subtle to colorful and luxurious. The discussion will focus on the formal qualities of these works, as well as their practical uses. Participants are encouraged to look at the works of art as indicators of Japanese social values and tastes.
Then, on the morning of June 18, the group will travel to the Cleveland Museum of Art to tour the special exhibit, Shinto: Discovery of the Divine in Japanese Art. This exhibition features art from collections in the U.S and Japan, and introduces works exemplifying Kami worship from the Heian period (794–1185) through the Edo period (1615–1868). From costumes worn in dances and theatrical performances at shrines, to paintings of medieval pilgrimage routes and images of Kami and Buddhist deities, the exhibition reveals the everyday engagement of people with the divinities in their midst.
The fee for the lecture and excursion (including transportation) is $30, and must be paid in advance. Seating is limited, so early registration is advised.
The Cleveland Heights SAC, located in the CH Community Center at 1 Monticello Blvd., offers a variety of programming for those 60 and older. A complete schedule of programs is published in the community center’s newsletter, available online at
SAC membership is $5 for Cleveland Heights residents. To sign up, bring a recent piece of mail (such as a bill) and a photo ID.
University Heights residents who would like to join SAC must first register with Patrick Grogan-Myers, University Heights community development coordinator, at 216-932-7800, ext. 203, or Membership is $10 for University Heights seniors.
amy jenkins
Amy Jenkins is supervisor at the Cleveland Heights Office on Aging and the Senior Activity Center. She can be reached at 216-691-7379 or by e-mail at