HRRC's Women's Electrical Repairs Series begins Nov. 7
November brings Home Repair Resource Center’s (HRRC) immensely popular electrical and electrical repairs series, just for women.
Over a five-week span, attendees will learn how electricity works and how to strip wire, wire switches and outlets, add 3-way switches, rewire lamps, work with service panels, use common electrical tools, and more.
The classes to take the fear out of electrical repairs and enable women to save money by making those fixes themselves.
This series is possibly the most sought after course or workshop that HRRC offers, so prospective participants are urged to sign up early.
The classes will meet on Wednesday evenings, 7–9 p.m., starting Nov. 7 (there will be no class meeting on Nov. 21).
The cost for the five-week series is $125, with income-based discounts of 50 to 100 percent available for those who qualify. For more information, visit,, or call 216-381-610 ext. 16.
David Brock
David Brock is the education and outreach coordinator for Home Repair Resource Center.