Heights bicycling is on a roll

This mural at Cain Park demostrates that bikes can be art. Coincidentally, Heights Bicycle Coalition is holding its annual meeting at Heights Arts. 

The Heights Bicycle Coalition (HBC) encourages all to come to its annual meeting for an update on progress in 2017, and plans for 2018, to make the Heights more bicycle- and pedestrian-friendly. The meeting will take place on Sunday, April 8, 4–6 p.m., at Heights Arts, 2175 Lee Road.

HBC President Steve Reinhardt will give an overview of the advocacy group’s programs and plans to fulfill its mission “to educate and encourage Heights community members to use bicycles as a sustainable and healthy form of transportation and recreation.”Reinhardt will also introduce committee chairs, including Deb Franke, activities and events; Evan Guar, safety; and Jamie Babb, communications.  

HBC is fortunate to have a congruence with municipalities and schools that furthers its mission.

University Heights Mayor Michael Brennan will highlight upcoming steps to make his city more bicycle friendly; Cleveland Heights Planning Director Richard Wong will spotlight forthcoming projects; and Shaker Heights Principal Planner Ann Klavora will discuss some of the infrastructure improvements coming to that city.

Canterbury Elementary School PE teacher Julie Lustic will highlight how she has used a new bicycle fleet, acquired through a Safe Routes to School grant, to teach students how to bicycle safely.

Scott Kuboff, attorney, will provide a synopsis of current Ohio bicycle laws and issues. 

Per HBC’s bylaws, the meeting will include the election of directors and officers, with a slate presented by HBC Governance and Operations Committee Chair Steve Reinhardt, as well as a financial report provided by HBC Treasurer Gary Franke. Refreshments will be provided.

Heights Bicycle Coalition

Heights Bicycle Coalition is a 501(c)3 nonprofit dedicated to educating and encouraging Heights community members to use bicycles as a sustainable and healthy form of transportation and recreation. This article was crafted by Mary Dunbar and the HBC board.

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Volume 11, Issue 4, Posted 10:20 AM, 03.29.2018