Forest Hill church hosts annual bazaar
If the closing of Cleveland Heights’ fair trade stores Revive and Ten Thousand Villages has left you searching for local, fair trade gifts this holiday season, consider attending Forest Hill Presbyterian Church’s annual fair trade bazaar on Sunday, Dec. 3, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Featuring fair trade vendors, as well as local artists and craftspeople, this year’s bazaar will include One World Shop, Canaan Fair Trade, Holy Land Handicrafts, Around the World Treasures, and Revy Fair Trade. Local businesses will include Golden Goddess, a line of sustainable, organic cosmetics produced and sold by Cleveland Heights resident Ajah Hales.
New this year will be special low-cost items, so children can shop for their friends and family.
Fair trade commerce helps to break the chains of poverty in economically disadvantaged regions, ensures that no child or forced labor is used, and that the goods are produced in safe and healthy working conditions using environmentally sustainable resources and practices. In addition, supporting local business keeps economic benefits in our community.
As in the past, all festival proceeds go directly to the vendors and their fair trade partners. The church is located at 3031 Monticello Blvd., across from Forest Hill Park. For more information, call 216-321-2660, or visit
Peg Weissbrod
Peg Weissbrod is a freelance writer and publicity coordinator for Forest Hill Presbyterian Church in Cleveland Heights.