CH historical lectures and tours planned for fall season
This fall, the Cleveland Heights Landmark Commission, the Cleveland Heights Historical Society, Heights Libraries, and Cleveland State University Center for Public History + Digital Humanities are partnering to present a series of historical lectures and tours centered in and around Cleveland Heights.
All events will take place rain or shine, and registration is required for some events. To register, call 216-291-4878.
Sept. 5, 10 a.m. to noon, Cleveland Heights Rocks and Waters 2015: Dugway Brook west branch walking tour and lecture
This lecture and tour, led by Roy Larick, Korbi Roberts and Jim Miller, will trace Dugway Brook through Coventry and Lake View Cemetery. Learn about Caleb Eddy's 1809 Lake View bluestone gristmill, and Ezra Lacy's 1834 Rock Court sandstone quarry—and much more. [Ensemble Theatre at the Coventry School building, 2843 Washington Blvd.; registration required.]
Sept. 10, 7 p.m., House History Workshop
Using local research tools as well as online sites, Kara Hamley O’Donnell, Cleveland Heights city planner, will teach workshop participants how to research their home’s history, to find out when it was built and by whom, who were its past owners, and how to locate historic photos. The workshop will also cover how to use Plain Dealer indexes to find out what may have happened at a property—from home sales to society events. Participants who pre-register and provide their mailing address will receive basic information to enable them to start their property research; others can receive the information at a later date. [Lee Road Library, 2345 Lee Road; reservations encouraged.]
Sept. 12, 10–11:45 a.m., App-enhanced Coventry Village Walking Tour
Mark Souther, Cleveland State University professor, and a team of CSU graduate students, will lead this interactive tour of Coventry Village, which developed along Coventry Road in 1919, saw the migration of Jews between the 1920s and 1950s, and emerged as Cleveland's own Haight-Ashbury in the late 1960s. Bring your iPhone or Android phone to discover even more colorful history in an old-meets-new twist on the familiar walking tour, utilizing the Cleveland Historical app. [Meet at the Coventry P.E.A.C.E. arch outside Coventry Village Library; reservations required.]
Oct. 1, 7 p.m., M.M. Brown’s Mayfield Heights Allotment Lecture
This neighborhood, bounded roughly by Euclid Heights Boulevard and Coventry, Mayfield and Superior roads, originated in the late-1800s. It is rich in history, and features 19th- and early 20th-century homes. Mark Souther and Chuck Owen, founder of CH Historical Society, talk about this area that many consider “Coventry Village.” [Lee Road Library; no reservations needed.]
Oct. 3, 10 a.m., Tour of Nela Park
David E. Korow, senior lighting specialist, will lead a tour of GE Lighting’s historic, 102-year-old Nela Park in East Cleveland. Learn about the company’s roots, and the world’s first industrial park. The tour will include the Lighting Institute, two lighting demonstration areas and the GE Lighting Museum. [Reservations required.]
Oct. 10, 10–11:45 a.m., App-enhanced Coventry Village Walking Tour
This is a repeat presentation of the sure-to-be-popular Sept. 12 tour. [Meet at the Coventry P.E.A.C.E. arch outside Coventry Village Library; reservations required.]
Mazie Adams
Mazie Adams is chair of the CH Landmark Commission.