Hope Lutheran Church's 15th annual day camp gears up

Campers share their faith outdoors with counselor Anastasia Peltoay at a previous Hope camp. Photo courtesy Donald King.
Children in kindergarten through sixth grade, who have completed any one of those grades this current (2014–15) school year, are invited to the 15th annual Christian day camp at Hope Lutheran Church, located at North Taylor and Northvale roads.
The camp runs from June 29 to July 3, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. It is free, but registration is required. Families are asked to supply a brown-bag lunch. The church’s hospitality committee will keep them cold and serve them with Kool-Aid.
This year's theme is "A Love That Never Ends." Each day, Biblical stories will be told through the lives of Abraham, Moses and the Israelites, Ruth and Naomi, Jonah and the whale, and the prophet Jeremiah. Other activities will include outdoor games, indoor crafts, songs, skits, nature walks, a visit from the police and fire departments, snacks and more.
The camp is sponsored in conjunction with Lutheran Outdoor Ministries of Ohio, supported by Thrivent Financial Services.
Two other events will take place at the church that week. On June 30, at 7:30 p.m., the church will hold an ice cream social and concert with the Hillcrest Concert Band on the front lawn facing North Taylor Road. The community is invited to this old-fashioned concert, to greet old friends, and make new ones, all for a free will offering.
On July 2, at 6 p.m., the families of the campers are invited to an all-camp, all-church cookout and picnic. The evening program will show parents what their campers have been doing, and will feature a display of hand-crafted items.
The camp is an affiliate of the American Camping Association, and strictly follows the association's guidelines.
To obtain a registration form, call the church at 216-371-5252. Fill it out in advance, and be sure to include medical records and emergency contacts. Either submit the completed form to the church early, which is recommended, or come with prospective campers at 8:30 a.m. on June 29, to register in person. Registrations are limited; advance registration is recommended.
Hope Lutheran Church is located at 2222 North Taylor Road in Cleveland Heights (44112). For more information call Pastor Don King at 216-371-5252, or visit www.hopelutheran-clehts.com or www.facebook.com/hopelutheranclehts.

Rev. Donald King
Rev. Donald King is pastor of Hope Lutheran Church on North Taylor Road, and an active participant in the Heights InterFaith Community. He has served at Hope since 1999, and lived in Cleveland Heights since 1985.