Feb. 24 HRRC talk explores kitchen updates for older homes
Remodeling an older kitchen can present special challenges. In addition to cost considerations, there are special issues involved when making changes to older homes. Homeowners thinking about updating their kitchen may feel dazed and confused by the products and design choices available.
Somrak Kitchens is offering a free Home Repair Resource Center (HRRC) presentation to help those planning a kitchen update. Kitchen Design: Products and Design Trends for Older Homes will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 24, at 7 p.m. at HRRC’s Teaching Center, 2520 Noble Road in Cleveland Heights.
This presentation is part of HRRC’s HouseMender University series, which provides free advice from experts. For more information on the program, or to reserve a spot, e-mail rstager@hrrc-ch.org or call 216-381-6100, ext. 16.
Rebecca Stager
Becky Stager has been HRRC's home repair education coordinator since 1989. Visit www.hrrc-ch.org or call 216-381-6100 for more information on programs and services.