Heights Zen meditation group offers introductory workshop

The zendo (meditation room) is designed to help calm the mind.
The Cleveland Zazen Group, a Zen meditation group that has been in Cleveland Heights for more than 40 years, is offering an Introduction to Zen Meditation on Aug. 2, at 1813 Wilton Road. The group practices in the tradition of the Rochester (N.Y.) Zen Center, founded in the 1960s by Roshi Philip Kapleau, author of The Three Pillars of Zen.
The one-day introductory workshop is aimed at providing a useful introduction to Zen Buddhism, demystifying the religion and giving basic instruction on how to practice zazen (Zen meditation). It’s a unique opportunity to learn firsthand from seasoned practitioners.
The group is made up of lay people from all walks of life—from college professors and students to the unemployed—and of all ages—from 20-somethings to seniors. Some sit on cushions on the floor; others sit in chairs.
Zen meditation offers not only a concrete way to de-stress; it's much more than that. It's an opportunity for individuals to gain insight into the three big questions all people confront: Why am I born? Why do I die? And what am I supposed to do while I'm here? While popular culture continually reminds us that life satisfaction and harmony come from "being in the moment," rarely are we given instructions for how to calm the mind so that we are fully present.
Participants are asked to make a $10 donation for the workshop, and advanced registration is required as space is limited. If you have questions, or would like more information, contact group leader Susan Rakow at susanrakow@earthlink.net or visit www.zencleveland.com. The next workshop will take place in October.
Susan Rakow
Susan Rakow, group leader for the Cleveland Zazen Group, is also a licensed clinical counselor, former secondary teacher, and retired university professor. She and her family have lived in the Heights for more than 40 years.