Disciples Christian Church is going green

Debbie Osgood gives a presentation about how her church, Heights Christian Church, became a Green Chalice congregation.
Disciples Christian Church (DCC) in Cleveland Heights is on its way to becoming a certified Green Chalice congregation, and is taking three needed steps: create a Green Team in the congregation; have the Green Team sign the Alverna Covenant, promising to take care of God’s earth; and make three changes toward the church becoming more green.
For its three changes, DCC plans to have more types of recycling at the church, use environmentally friendly cleaning products, and use less paper during church services.
DCC started the certification process in November with its first meeting of the Green Team, led by Debbie Humbert, and expects to receive its certification by this summer.
Ronald Werman
Ronald Werman is an elder and communications chairperson of Disciples Christian Church.