Lake Erie Ink students explore two sides of a story
This fall at Lake Erie Ink: a writing space for youth (LEI), students in the Ink Spot after-school program explored different perspectives and the two sides of a story through the creation of two-voiced poems.
Ink Spot participants worked individually or in partners to create poetry that illustrates contrasting perspectives on a particular subject.
Most participants chose to work with a partner in creating their two-voiced poems. The process brought students together to discuss their different perspectives on a topic, and to consider their own ideas in relation to those of another person.
Fourth-graders Mills and Nijah collaborated on their poem "Rich and Poor," and Manny and Meyani worked together to compose "Happy Boy/Sad Girl."
Creative writing activities at the Ink Spot prompt young writers to think of new ideas and explore them through writing.
The two-voiced poems gave students the opportunity to explore multiple perspectives and the implications of these perspectives as they composed their pieces. As a result, students explored two sides of themselves, and society, in ways that they might not have considered previously.
The Ink Spot encourages students to write creatively, and to explore through writing their relationships with family and friends, as well as their connections to society, core values, culture and religion.
These real-life relationships are explored or exemplified through the students’ creative expression.
To enroll your child in Ink Spot programs, or for information about volunteering, call 216-320-4757, or visit
Dewey's Pizza, 2194 Lee Road, will hold a fundraiser to support Lake Erie Ink on Monday, Dec. 16. Dewey's will donate a percentage of both dine-in and takeout orders to LEI.
Melissa DeWater
Melissa DeWater is an intern at Lake Erie Ink.