Is a back-up generator the answer to home power outages?
Does your power go out so frequently that you wonder whether a back-up generator would be a good addition to your home’s electrical system? Given the cost, how can you determine whether that investment makes sense for your family?
Home Repair Resource Center’s (HRRC) upcoming free presentation on the topic will provide some answers. David Graham, from Scott Electrical Services Ltd., will present Should You Consider a Back-Up Generator? on Tuesday, Oct. 29, at 7 p.m., at HRRC's Teaching Center, 2520 Noble Road in Cleveland Heights.
Graham will discuss reasons for adding a generator, equipment options, installation, costs and other considerations.
Should You Consider a Back-Up Generator? is part of HRRC’s HouseMender University series, designed to provide homeowners with free advice from experts. The presentation is open to residents of all communities, but reservations are requested. For more information or to reserve a spot, call 216-381-6100, ext. 16.
Rebecca Stager
Becky Stager has been HRRC's education coordinator since 1989. Visit or call 216-381-6100 for more information on programs and services.