UUSC presents film and discussion on Oct. 13
The Unitarian Universalist Society of Cleveland will celebrate Oct. 13 as Sexual Justice Sunday, adding a vegetarian luncheon and screening of the documentary "God Loves Uganda" to a special 11 a.m. worship service. The film was an official selection at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival. The screening and luncheon are open to the public.
Karen LoBracco, program consultant for United Universalist Association, who recently visited Uganda, will lead a discussion following the 80-minute film. Passing the hat donations to continue UUSC's sexual justice efforts will be gratefully accepted.
UUSC, at 2728 Lancashire Road in Cleveland Heights, led by Douglas Wadkins, is a religious non-creedal community that abides by a covenant of ethical life behavior, affirmation of democracy, and celebration of individual worth. The Society welcomes all people.
"God Loves Uganda" explores the role of the American evangelical movement in Uganda. American missionaries to Uganda are credited both positively for creating schools and hospitals and negatively for promoting religious bigotry. The film follows U.S. and Ugandan evangelical leaders, politicians, and missionaries as they attempt to convert Ugandans to fundamentalist Christianity.
Through interviews and hidden-camera footage, the film gives unprecedented access and insight into forces in Uganda that drive for harsh punishment, such as death sentences for homosexuality, and forces working for sexual tolerance.
"Shocking, horrifying, touching and enlightening, this film should cause each of us to question what we thought we knew about religion," said Rina Shere, UUSC director of religious education.
For more information, call 216-932-1898 or go to www.uucleveland.org.
Walter Nicholes
Walter Nicholes, a longtime resident of Cleveland Heights now living in Shaker Heights, believes both communities are remarkable in their successful diversity.